
Sunday, September 24, 2006

My new start

My instructor asked ,"Why do you study translation?" "I do not have any talent, but only lauguage." I answered confidently. Then, he said, "Don't be too greedy, you already have one." To be honest, I do not have any talent. I am not smart, my emotional quotient is low and I fail to overcome the difficulties in my jobs.....................

Anyway, it's a new good start for me. If I can pass the iou exam after this course, I can apply jobs in translation. That means I achieve the professional qualification of a translator! (the exam is really really difficult. Just like translating the news in SCMP into Chinese)
I will try my best and keep it up. I'm sure I have make the right decision that I have never make in my life.

May God bless me and help me to see the light in my career path. A men~~

Sunday, September 17, 2006


用情不專的人被稱之為「花心」, 過份繁複而誇張的設計被形容為「花巧」,動聽而流於不真實的說話即是「花言巧語」。花本來是漂亮的東西吧, 卻又呈現於這些不太華麗的形容詞上。

從蓓蕾初開綻放成花到淍零枯乾, 都不過短短數天。熣燦漂亮的東西從來都稍縱即逝。
「花心」的男人總背負不起恆久的承諾, 他們或會花上很多心思為你舖排一段仿如小說情節般浪漫的戀愛, 然後有一天當他告訴你愛上了別人, 從前一切「山盟海誓」都掉進焚化爐裡泡湯。設計「花巧」的時裝和傢俱或會流行一陣子,卻總不及線條簡單, 顏色淡樸的那般耐看。


Sunday, September 10, 2006




什麼是生活迫人?從步入社會,嚐盡了苦頭,才能體會,就算多討厭當下的工作,為了討那回報,還不是得乖乖就範? 還好,現階段要關顧的只是一個家,到步入中年成家立室,旁人忙為你道賀的時候,當時人才能感受喜事增添的另一個生活擔子。
